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Dar Al-Kalima University - 25 Years Anniversary
Dar Al-Kalima University - 25 Years Anniversary
DetailsPalestinian Sumoud as Indigenous Hope: RCPI Fellow Rana Khoury's Civic Engagement Curriculum
As a Religion, Conflict, and Peace Initiative Fellow in Harvard Divinity School’s Religion and Public Life program, Rana Khoury is developing a civic engagement curriculum aimed at Palestinian students in higher education. The curriculum’s philosophy...
DetailsDar al-Kalima organise un atelier sur l’art et la citoyenneté au Liban
L’université Dar al-Kalima (Bethléem, Palestine) et l’ONG Dar al-Kalima/programme Nabad ( au Liban organisent un atelier d’une journée sur l’art et la citoyenneté, le 16 décembre 2021, à l’hôtel Bossa Nova de Sin el-Fil. Face à la situation...
DetailsTOR For Feasibility Study for Higher Diploma/MA degree in Adult Education
Feasibility Study for Higher Diploma/MA degree in Adult Education
DetailsBig and Exciting News from Dar al-Kalima!
We are proud to announce that Dar al-Kalima has received today the official accreditation as a University by the Palestinian National Authority for Accreditation and Quality Assurance. This accreditation comes as a culmination of a 15-year long hard...
DetailsMapping of Christian Organization in Palestine: Social and Economic Impact
Mapping of Christian Organization in Palestine: Social and Economic Impact
DetailsPalestinian cultural resistance: Art in the face of violence
Singer Kamilya Jubran, founding member of the iconic Palestinian band Sabreen, once famously sang, “We’ve tried resistance, we’ve tried confrontation, we’ve tried intifada, we’ve tried peace. What else is left to us?” The answer of course, that hung...
DetailsAt an art school in Gaza, creation prevails amid destruction
At an art school in Gaza, creation prevails amid destruction