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Dar al-Kalima University opens the international round table on culture, religion and the body in Cyprus

Dar al-Kalima University and the Christian Academic Forum for Citizenship in the Arab World (CAFCAW) opened this morning the international round table on culture, religion and the body, with the participation of a group of academics and specialists from many backgrounds and specialties from around the world, in the city of Larnaca on the island of Cyprus.

The international round table was opened by Rev. Prof. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Founder and President of Dar al-Kalima University, with a speech, during which he said: "Body, color and race have been used at many times to justify racism in all its forms, against the peoples of Asia, Africa, indigenous peoples and even against Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa. What we see in Gaza is the sight of bodies lying on the roadside after being targeted by the Israeli war machine and how the Palestinian body has become worthless. The body was also used in the male society to oppress women and limit their freedoms. Religion has sometimes played a justification for the simultaneous spread of the desert culture against the culture of the Middle Sea basin, which is open to each other. Today, with the development of artificial intelligence, the virtual body has become the subject of the hour".

He added: "The conference will discuss many of these important topics. Dar al Kalima University, through its international conferences, has always been the first to put forward topical topics and topics of interest to our Arab region to put forward Middle Eastern visions jointly developed by a group of experts and academics from the Middle East or from the diaspora".

According to Program Manager Dr. Pamela Chrabieh: "This theme is both timely and timeless, as it speaks to fundamental aspects of human identity, belief systems, and societal norms. By exploring how these factors intersect and influence each other, we can gain deeper insights into the complexities of our shared human experience and work towards building a more inclusive and harmonious society in Southwestern Asia and North Africa".

The international round table will discuss many topics related to culture, religion and the body, Gender Representations/Agency and Gendered Bodies, Framing, Utilizing, and Controlling bodies, by examining the ways bodies are framed and controlled by religious, social, political, and economic systems in in Southwestern Asia and North Africa, In addition, the round table will discuss the topic of the body, socialization and technology.

This international round table, which will last for two consecutive days from 7 to 8 June 2024, is an essential step towards promoting more academic and cultural interaction between Palestine and the world, and international round table expected to end with innovative recommendations through intercultural exchange and cooperation.
